Friday, January 7, 2011

The Piha Café


Plug Rings

Add some 'sparks' between you and your mate with Plug Rings designed by Casey Perez.  They can be purchased at Artifacts by Casey.MORE I...

The Lamp Lily

Designer Vibeke Skara brings us the modern 'Lamp Lily' in a simple geometric form with a singular bulb located in the center that provides ample lighting for any table or reading space and can be hung from above.MORE I...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Atlantic Health Jets Training Facility

SOM’s principal design objectives were to create a focused learning and working environment that would give the New York Jets a competitive edge by constantly reminding the players and business staff that football is their business, and creating a campus that would prioritize work, education and health.The entire facility is organized around the football fields, so views of the fields are always immediate from the moment of entering the 600-foot-long building. The design integrates the yard integers of the field into the building’s lighting and other finishes, another constant reminder that football is the main order of the day.MORE I...

'Folk' Clothing Store

As the hipster/folk scene continues on in full force, London based clothing store, Folk, has opened up a new location in Munich.  The earthy, handmade qualities of the clothing translate nicely throughout the store with each piece of furniture and art piece.MORE I...

24 Creative Uses of Facebook's Photo Board

It didn't take long for Facebook users to realize the potential of the new photo board located at the top of each personal profile.  Check out these 24 cool uses and see if they can inspire you to create one of your own!  And for those of you who haven't seen it yet, there is an app called Facebook Profile Maker that makes the process SUPER easy to do with just a few clicks.MORE I...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Kelly Kettle

Good design will stand the test of time and the Kelly Kettle shows us that with its useful water boiling capabilities.  First developed back in the 1890's in Ireland, the Kelly Kettle boils water more efficiently and quickly than a standard pot while you're out in the wilderness.  The hollow interior of the boiling kettle allows for maximum surface area for your fire to heat the liquid inside.  Today's Kelly Kettles can be purchased in stainless steel or aluminum and start at $60.MORE I...

Cut & Paste Chair

If Frankenstein was looking for a chair to sit in, he'd definitely pick the Cut & Paste Chair created by Sigurdur Gustafsson.  As the name suggests, this chair cuts and pastes several types of chairs of different colors into one very unique piece of furniture that only a mother of Frankenstein could love.MORE I...

Decorative Wall Calendars

Each new year brings new boring kitten calendars to help you stay organized, so why not spruce up your wall and your dates this year with one of these nifty DIY calendar ideas instead.MORE I...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Men's Club Renovated Into New Home

When David Hurlbut bought The Harmony Club back in 1999, it was home to pigeons and rats.  Ten years later, he has preserved its historic nature and turned it into a habitable space full of character.The Harmony Club was a men's club built in 1909 overlooking the Alabama River in the town of Selma, AL.  The 20,000 sq. ft. space consisted of two retails spaces and a restaurant in the front and a men's lounge in the back.  The men's lounge had a gaming room, cigar room, lounge areas, and a ball room.  It operated until 1930 and then turned into the Elks Club but finally closed down in the 1960's.  David Hurlbut's industrial...

Chaise Longue No. 4

Tom Raffield wields thin slats of wood into elegant shapes to create the Chaise Longue No. 4.  Its minimal amount of materials and delicate but sturdy shape make it a remarkable piece.MORE I...

Bare Bones Form/Function Clock

Not sure what makes this clock so alluring to architects but it's cool nonetheless.  Created by Daniel Weil, its design is meant to showcase form and function of a clock.  He goes on to explain...Objects like clocks are both prosaic and profound. Prosaic because of their ubiquity in everyday life, profound because of the mysterious nature of time itself. Time can be reduced to hours, minutes and seconds, just as a clock can be reduced to its component parts. This doesn’t explain time, but in a way simply exposes its mysterious essence.MORE I...

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